555 14 years ago
Well i'm crazy enough to give an after house party in my studio, just because some friends came to visit me after a night out. And they still wanted an after party. Problem , NO after party's during the week. So crazy as i am, hard for me too say no. I trow them an after house party in my work studio. Well atleast they had fun, and for thet i always do it for. BUT also tought of my good friends here and recorded the set, where i , like i always do play true my set with musical instruments.
From there i gave this work the name :
After House party @ Studio 7.

Hope you will enjoy it. As always you can dawnload it, listen to it and use it to mix with your work.

With allot of respect and musical greetings from your M-Dj Linn


Dj Raingd
Dj Raingd

Great Mix... Smooth Flow... Keep Up The Great Work...
